Wednesday, September 23, 2009

happy birthday bruce springsteen - 60 years old today!!

bruce springsteen, born september 23, 1949, celebrates his 60th birthday today. the above photo, from the 1984 "born in the usa" tour (and album) is alread 25 years old! bruce hardly shows any signs of age - touring and releasing albums like the good old days.

i've posted about bruce often ( his "magic" tour show at giants stadium last summer, the superbowl half-time show last winter, and the free, pre-release, live stream of his "working on a dream" album on npr, just to mention a few). his music was a huge part of my high school days in the late 70s (though my first bruce show had to wait until "the river" tour at madison square garden in 1980.

after the summer of 1984 "born in the usa" tour, almost 25 years passed before i saw him in concert again (last year's "magic" tour). despite the passage of all that time, he still rocked. so find the time to listen to some springsteen today ("greetings from asbury park" is on my ipod play list for today).

happy birthday bruce!!


ChickenUnderwear said...

Did I see Bruce with you? I got a ticket stub from the Garden but have no memory of ever going...

rundangerously said...

pretty sure that's a no :( you weren't into bruce back then?!

i saw "the river" concert w/larry!