Thursday, February 27, 2020

It's Official - 2020 NYC Marathon Email :D

The Official "You're In" email from the NYRR's arrived yesterday.  Even though I have guaranteed entry (and signed up 2+ weeks ago) - it was still great to receive the "news" :D

The best part, however, was seeing my officemates expression when I asked him if he had gotten his notification email (he had guaranteed entry via 9+1).  He didn't know the emails had been sent - so watching his face when he checked and saw the gif do it's countdown was pretty cool!  This will be his first NYC Marathon since the 1980's!

I guess it's time to get serious about rebuilding my base mileage :O

Monday, February 10, 2020

NYC Marathon 2020 - I'm In :D

I signed up for the NYC Marathon this morning - it will be, hopefully, my 17th NYC Marathon :D

With that entry, my semi-retirement from racing (not running) has come to an end.  The last time I entered a road race was way back in the Spring of 2019.  While my official training for the marathon won't kick off until the summer, I will certainly jump back into the local racing scene much sooner (probably by the Spring)!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

National Pizza Day - 2020!

Can't pass up a shout out to National Pizza Day - my second favorite food on earth, inches behind Sushi :D

Here is snapshot from my dinner tonight - a flatbread spinach & mushroom from the Cheesecake Factory (not your typical go-to for pizza, I know).

Back to regular (round) pies after today :O

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"Professor Is In" Profile published in "Opportunitas"

This month the Pace faculty & staff newsletter, Opportunitas, included a profile of yours truly for the "Professor Is In" column! The cropped photo of me that they used for the story is a few years old, but I still resemble it :D

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Groundhog Day - 2020

Hurray - Phil did not see his shadow this morning!  He predicts we'll get an early Spring :D

Not to jinx his prediction (although the stats from the National Weather Service below don't point to a very reliable prognosticating performance!) - we've had a relatively mild "winter" so far.  I can only count one day of real (that is to say "have to shovel") snow so far.

Either way, don't pass up the opportunity to watch Bill Murray's classic today :D

Saturday, February 1, 2020

William & Mary Business Law Review

The hard copy of William & Mary Business Law Review just arrived!  Among the Articles is one that I wrote (last Spring) -- "Time to Prune the Flora-Procedural Due Process, the Full Payment Rule and Assessable Penalties: Larson v. Commissioner."

It was scheduled to be released in November (hence the November 2019 date) - but the actual release was delayed a couple of months.

Update:  Here is the link, via my SSRN page, to the full text