Saturday, January 24, 2015

winston churchill died 50 years ago today

sir winston churchill died 50 years ago today, on january 24, 1965 - he was 90 years old.  as one of the most significant individuals of the 20th century, i couldn't let today pass without thinking about his impact on the world.  the most significant, in my opinion, was his role during world war II - in which he almost single-handedly saved great britain from falling to the nazi.

two years ago this month, i read roy jenkins' one volume "churchill: a biography." it was an enjoyable read - and interesting because it presented a non-American perspective.  it was almost like a memoir, written by a politician who witnessed portions of churchill's life up close and personal.  it wasn't like the more comprehensive takes by gilbert or manchester - but it was enjoyable.

the highlight of my own churchill interaction was about two decades ago - when i managed to read all 6 volumes of his "history of world war II" - it was a fun commitment of time.  it's like committing to read all of robert moses' "power broker" - and was just as rewarding.

so take a minute to think about churchill today.  flaws and all, he was a towering figure.

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