Sunday, May 10, 2020

Winter in May :O

Woke up yesterday morning and was glad I hadn't put away the winter running gear.  With 22+ mph winds, the low 30's had a real feel in the low 20's!  In a change from my normal weekend routine - running on the Bronx River Parkway - I switched over to the Leatherstocking Trail.  My ulterior motive wasn't running portions of the Paine to Pain course (which I did) - but rather have the woods act as a barrier to some of the winds (which they didn't).

As sign of the times - "park users practice safe social distancing."

Astonishingly, while runners, walkers and others did that -- a full grown deer was standing on the trail as I approached.  That wasn't astonishing.  What made me do a double take was that it made no effort to move as I got closer!  It wasn't until I slowed down and reached into my pocket for my phone that it decided to run off.  Apparently it was photo-shy - not runner shy!

This morning it was noticeably warmer and less windy - but still chiller than a "normal" day in May.

Last, but certainly, not least:  Happy Mother's Day!

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