Saturday, May 16, 2020

NYRR Virtual Brooklyn Half :D

Wow, it wasn't easy - but I ran the 13.1+ miles for my virtual Brooklyn Half Marathon this morning :D

It was the longest distance I've run in long time (going back to last Fall?).  I did a 10 miler two weekends ago, but it wasn't the distance that threw me off.  My route planning was something of a fail because it had been planned as straight out and back course - 6.5 miles up to White Plains and back.  Instead, my return route was a mile shorter (brain freeze) and got back here with just 11+ miles.  That was a big oops moment and it resulted in something of a hodgepodge for the last 2 miles.  Still - mighty happy to get it done!

In an interesting (for me) observation, my 10:11 pace - it was sub-10 for most of the run - was a solid minute faster than my pace (11+) for the virtual NYC Half 5k I ran two months ago! Granted, that one was an easy jog around the neighborhood.  But the base re-building program is paying off :D

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