Sunday, October 15, 2017

Long Island 6 Hour 60th Birthday Run: Race Photos & Results

This morning was a tough day to run (90+ humidity with on again off again drizzle) but weather aside, I had a great time at the Long Island 6 Hour Run (officially, "Fred von der Heydt Memorial 6 Hour 60th Birthday Run")!  It was my first ultra of the year, and after the Sri Chinmoy Marathon in August, longest distance of the year as well :O

I'll write up a short race report tomorrow, but it seemed like old times because I ran a 5K in Central Park yesterday, and followed up with a 50K (32.6 miles, officially) today!  I can't remember the last time I ran a pair of back to back races in recent memory - haha!

Not only was the event first rate - but the post-race party was incredible (subs, pasta, and beer - to mention a few of the things available).  Also, lest I forget, the aid station selection of food and drink was pretty awesome on its own (I have NEVER seen a PB and M&Ms sandwich before today - haha (PBJ and raisons - yes indeed, but not M&Ms).

Here are the race results from GLIRC.

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