Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas - 2011 :D

merry christmas everyone!

no snow this year, but plenty of christmas spirit in the air. we just opened our presents and, after cleaning up the wrapping paper, will get to work on christmas dinner! my brother and his family, as is our tradition, will come over this afternoon. my mom is already here, and will, no doubt, so be in the kitchen getting started - with katie as her assistant - on a ever fantastic lasagna!

i had planned on heading over to tibbets brook park for the relocated holiday marathon races.  but it getting late and i may have to get my miles in on the post road instead.  given the number of calories in plan to consume today, i really should be running a marathon - or a decent long run at a minimum ;O

have a great holiday!!


Laura said...

Merry Christmas, Frank! Sorry to miss you at the race today; it was a great course that hopefully you can try another time.

DawnB said...

Happy Holidays Frank!! I have had a chance to run the last few days!! so you are way ahead of me. will go out today for sure.