Monday, October 11, 2010

bangkok: day two

yesterday, my second day in bangkok, was my first day of the budget and finance course. aside from the morning run, i spent the rest of the day inside. the course runs from 9 until 5:30 (with a pair of breaks for tea, and lunch in the hotel restaurant). at the end of the day my fellow instructors and i met briefly anx planned out how we would present the material and group exercises for the remainder of the week.

this morning i woke up to the sound of rain outside the window. i passed up the morning run - and will probably squeeze in some miles on the ancient hotel treadmill tonight. after my dismal experience with that machine, it's a prospect i'm not looking forward to :(

but for now, day two of classes awaits :D

1 comment:

chickenunderwear said...

Is it just the rain that keeps you from running outside?