Saturday, March 28, 2020

Life During Distance Learning

Or should it be captioned, "during social distancing?"  Either way, apologies to the Talking Heads - because this might be life imitating art :O

It almost seems quaint that this week was when we planned to return to in-person teaching after a 3-week hiatus from the classroom.  Instead, the rest of the Spring semester will be conducted via distance learning.  Very strange to only interact with my students via Blackboard/Zoom instead of actual classrooms. 

From a practical perspective, the only real change is in testing.  Otherwise it is the same syllabus, material and assignments.  The coursework will get done, but the give and take of the classroom will be missed. 

Hopefully, some semblance of teaching normalcy will return by Summer session?!

Until then, running is the only distance that I can embrace (apologies for the lame pun) :D

Sunday, March 15, 2020

NYC Half Marathon Virtual 5K

This morning I ran an easy 5k around the neighborhood to complete my NYC Half virtual 5K.  Not only did they cancel the actual NYC Half Marathon today, but the Taconic RR's also cancelled their St. Patrick's Day races.  In non-race news, my neighbor also cancelled her annual St. Patrick's day party last night.

As for me, while I missed seeing my neighbors at the annual party, I had planned to drive up to FDR Park for the St. Patrick's Day races.  Not to run one, but to volunteer - and socialize with my running friends.  I don't miss running actual races - but I do miss the races themselves, and seeing my friends at them :(

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Welcome to My SSRN Author Page :D

Finally - and I say that with a smile because this week I finally set up my author page at SSRN

If you're interest in checking out my publications and current research topics, please don't hesitate to visit the page.  The articles, or abstracts, can be viewed with registration.  I've added my most recent publications - and hope to, periodically, upload more of my older articles.

Happy reading :D