Sunday, September 22, 2019

Last Day of Summer -2019

Been a while since I've posted a running related selfie!  It's from the lake just north of Fisher Lane.  This morning I ran north along the Bronx River Greenway and returned via the Bronx River Parkway (2nd to last weekend of Bicycle Sundays on the BRP).  The entire run up and back was just over 13 miles.

Today is the last day of summer - how did it go so quickly?!  While I haven't run a race in months (in that semi-retired state of mind), have been keeping up my regular (non-race) running.

Here is a much nicer (haha) view of the lake - w/out me :D

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget -2019

It's hard to believe this happened 18 years ago.  But even if it was 28 years ago - NEVER FORGET!

My office is still a block away from the site of the Twin Towers (and now Memorial).  A lot has changed in this neighborhood over those 18 years.  But evil still lurks out there among us - NEVER FORGET!